Streetly library has a comfortable seating area where you can enjoy a cuppa and read an assortment of both local and national newspapers or browse through the books you are thinking of borrowing.
Sunday Closed
Services in Streetly library
Adult Fiction Books
Adult Information Books
Business Information Community
Coffee and Comfortable Seating Area
Walsall Council Information
Disabled Access to Library Building
Junior Fiction Books
Junior Information Books
Language Tapes
Large Print Books
Library Car Park
Local History Books
Local Information
Local Newspapers
Local Organisations
Parents Collection
Property Marking Kits
Junior Fiction Books
Public Notices
Reference Material
Request Service
Study Table
Talking Books (Adult/Junior)
Teenage Collection
Tourist Information
Flexible Learning
There is a flexible learning centre available to use at Streetly Library which offers:
Internet access
Microsoft Office 2000
Mono printer
Beginners taster sessions
Full colour printer
Groups and Clubs
See full details of all group and club meetings on Streetly What's on & Events page
Parents and Toddlers meets every Wednesday in the library from 2.30 - 3.15pm - term time only.
Chatterbooks meets four times a year to meet and discuss books. Meetings are usually on a Wednesday and are aimed at 8 - 11 year olds. Contact the library for more details.
Streetly Library Poetry Group meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 10.30 - 11.30am. New members always welcome.
Streetly Councillors are available at the library on Saturday mornings between 11.00 - 12.00.
Tuesday Streetly Afternoon Walk schedules and starter packs for new walkers, are available at the library. Please ask the counter staff.
The Bookstart Book Crawl is a fun reading activity for children aged
0 - 4 years and encourages parents to share books with their babies and toddlers.
Streetly Local History Group
The next meeting dates and times are shown on the Events page, please bring along any details which we can archive - they don't have to be typed or spelt correctly - just legible! Also let us know what you would like to discuss ie; history of local pubs or perhaps a particular school or road. If you can't attend a meeting pop any details you may have into the library and the staff will pass them on. Details of these meetings are also available at the library. Please ask the counter staff
Reference Resources
Blacks Medical Dictionary
British Rail Timetable
Community Legal Services Directory
Degree Course Offers
Disability Rights Handbook
Drugs Handbook
Good Food Guide
Guiness Book of Records
Kompass Regional Sales Guide
Local Organisations Directory 2009
Midland Business Pages
National Express Coach Timetable
Schools Handbook
Seaby Coins
Stanley Gibbons Stamps of the World
Statesman's Yearbook
Thomson's Directory
University Entrance
Voluntary Agencies Directory
Welfare Benefits Handbook
Whitakers Almanac
Who's Who
Writers and Artists Handbook
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