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What's on and Local Events, Places to go and things to do in Streetly, Sutton Coldfield, Walsall, West Midlands, near birmingham
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Streetly REGULAR weekly Events & What's on Calendar, listed by day of week are shown belownote...This months single "one off" Streetly events click here this is also where any new events can be added by YOU...a free service ! note...To see local Aldridge REGULAR Weekly Events & What's on calandar click here
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MondayMondays, Ready steady sport for children 2-5 years old at Blackwood Pavillion at 1.45pm, Contact is Olivia West on 07850 125333. Mondays - View the current list of planning applications and appeals held at Walsall council for Streetly area: Walsall council planning and development control Mondays, Bliss, Yoga for Pregnancy Class with Michelle, 6.15pm - 7.15pm St. Michael's Parish Church Hall, Leigh Road off Mellish Road,, Walsall WS4 2DS. Call Michelle on 07910 158 275, Email Michelle or visit Bliss Yoga website Monday Term Time Only. `Teen Dream Youth Club` at Streetly Evangelical Church, Egerton Road, 7.30-9.30pm for 11-16 year olds. Admission fee required. All leaders are CRB checked. There are all sorts of activities- snooker, table tennis, Nintendo Wii, quizzes, chat, music and refreshments. Tel. 07816 358 673 or e-mail streetlyec@btinternet.com.
Monday, Arts and Crafts classes by the Creation Station, for 1 - 11 year olds from 10am at the Methodist Church Hall, Sutton Coldfield, For details call Sue on 0844 854 9089 Mondays, Counselling service at Banners Gate Community Hall SUBJECT TO PRIOR BOOKING, WITH FLEXIBILITY FOR OTHER DAYS ON REQUEST New Horizonz Counselling Service is provided by fully qualified counsellors Val, Dianne, and Kellyanne who specialise in bereavement, and domestic abuse. The service is not free of charge but costs can be fully explained when requested. Daytime and evening appointments are available. Call Val on 07964 213 229. Calls handled in complete confidence. Mondays, Zumba Dance Fitness Class with Becks, at Streetly Community Centre Foley Road East, from 11.00am - 12noon and again at 7.45pm - 8.45pm Party yourself into shape. Latin inspired, easy to follow, calorie burning dance fitness. Feel the music and let loose! Call 0121 353 8630. Mondays TinyTalk baby signing classes with Lisa Mathias at Banners Gate Community Hall at 10-11 and again at 11.15-12.15. These are open to carers and their babies from 0-2 years. This class teaches babies sign language to provide communication before effective speech is developed and was initially only used by the deaf but proved so successful and valuable it has become accepted and adopted by parents everywhere. for more information call Lisa Mathias on 07851 627 651 or Email Lisa see more on Tiny Talk website Mondays, 2nd Streetly scout group, 5.30 until 6.30pm. Blackwood Scout hut, we undertake age appropriate scouting activities which may include playing games and making things. 2nd Streetly scout group leader is Sam Booth Mondays, the 1st Streetly Beaver Scout Colony mets at the Scout Hut, Streetly Methodist Church ( Gods Island ) at 5.30pm. For boys and girls age 6 - 8 years. Come and make new friends, listen to stories, join in games and activities, do badge work - and have lots of fun. Contact Hilary Stratford on 0121 353 9092. Monday evenings, term time only. 'Teen Dream Youth Club' at Streetly Evangelical Church, Egerton Road, 7.30 - 7.00pm. Suitable 11 - 16 year olds. All leaders CRB checked. All sorts of activities - snooker, table tennis, Nintendo Wii, quizzes, chat, music, refreshments. Tel. 07816 358 673 or send an Email Monday Streetly Youth Club, Foley Road East. Offers Duke of Edinburgh awards, sports facilities, dance, netball, youth activities. Times vary. Contact Jenny Henney on 0121 353 8630 Monday 50+ Club Streetly Sports Hall, Foley Road East, 1.40 - 3.40pm. Short mat bowls, badminton and table tennis. Contact 0121 353 8630 Mondays Family Shotokan karate with Streetly Shotokan Karate Club at Main Hall, Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East, from 6.30 - 7.30pm. Female Instructor 2nd Dan. Contact Kelly Templeton on 0121 353 2551 visit Streetly Shotokan Karate Club website Monday Bliss Yoga classes with Michelle suitable for all levels at St Michaels parish church, leigh Road, walsall, WS4 2DS 7.30 till 9 all welcome. For more information call 0791 015 8275 or check the website Bliss Yoga Monday morning SIMPLY PILATES with Diane Harrold Streetly Community centre 10-11am mixed abilities Phone: 01922 454705 Monday Evening Body Control Pilates with Jo at Streetly Sports Centre, Foley Road East 6.00 - 7.00pm and 7.30 - 8.30pm. Call Jo on 07522 394 869. Monday Line Dancing class for Improvers/ Intermediates 2pm - 4pm, at Streetly Community Centre, J P LINEDANCING. Pat Harris 0121 308 5192 Email Enquiries welcome Mondays, loan of medical equipment from the Red Cross, Red Cross Hall (in between Blackwood Methodist Church and Blackwood School), Blackwood Road between 2.00 - 3.00pm. Call 352 0692 or 353 1691. Mondays Poker Night Fun, 8.00pm at the Hardwick Arms. Why not join in and be part of the Hardwick Arms tournament. Contact 0121 580 9631 1st Monday, Streetly Disabled and Senior Citizens Association afternoon meeting at All Saints Church Hall, Foley Road East, from 2.30 - 4.00pm. 1st Monday Streetly Circle of the Catenians, a social, non-politcal organisation for Catholic men, meets at Lea Marston Hotel at 7.15pm. For more details see the Streetly Clubs page
TuesdayTuesdays - dance and movement activity sessions for toddlers and pre-schoolers with their carer. 1.30pm at Streetly community centre, foley road east. Contact hannah 07821 206487 or hannah@kidsletsdance.co.uk Tuesday, The Activate Club in Banners Gate Community Association from 3.45 to 6pm especially for children aged 7 to 12 years of age. The Activate Club has all the latest, cutting edge technology, Xbox 360 and Kinect, PS3 slim and Nintendo Wii along with all the latest most up to date games displayed the 32 inch 1080p TV's. Children at The Activate Club can play pool, table football, table tennis, giant connect four and giant droughts. A tuck shop selling light refreshments is also provided. see The Activate Club website Tuesday Prayer Meeting at Streetly Evangelical Church, Egerton Road, 8.00pm. Held during term time. 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month is Prayer and Ministry. 2nd Tuesday of the Month is House Groups (contact the church for details). 5th Tuesday of the month is a Missionary Meeting. Tel. 07816 358 673 or e-mail streetlyec@btinternet.com Tuesdays, Aldridge Activity Group meets at Aldridge Manor Youth Club, Little Aston Road, Aldridge. Fun activites for 8 - 12 year olds. DJ Workshops, grafitti art, cooking, arts and crafts, sports, music production - or anything else you would like to do. Earn your place on half term trips - Drayton Manor, ice skating and go karting. Contact Charlotte Thornley on 01922 625060 or 07976 491644 or charlotte.thornley@nacro.org.uk, or Margaret \francis, Full Time Youth Worker on 01922 743220 or francismargaret@walsall.gov.uk Tuesdays, Aquacise swimming excercise class, at Streetly School, Queslett Road East, Streetly, B74 2EX, 7.30 - 8.30pm. Burn 400-500 calories per hour, tones every part of the body, exercises your heart, suitable for non-swimmers. To book a space call neil Burns on 07793 324 325. Tuesdays (term time only) Ladies Class at Streetly Evangelical Church, Egerton Road, at 2.30pm. Talks and activities each week. Tuesdays, 3rd Streetly Rainbows at Blackwood Methodist Church between 5.15 - 6.15pm. Enjoy making things, playing games, and learning new things. Contact Nora on 07886 277 839 or Frances on 07814 287 563. Tuesday Lisayne Ballet School at Streetly Methodist Church junction of Thornhill and Hardwick Roads, Streetly. Contact Lisa on 0121 353 7321 Tuesday evening childrens swimming lessons at Cardinal Wiseman School, Old Oscott Hill, Kingstanding. 5.30pm, 6.00pm and 6.30pm. Adults 7.00pm. Phone Val 0121 353 6616. Term time only. More information about Streetly swimming classes here Tuesday Watercolour Painting for Beginners at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East from 1.30 to 3.30pm Call Colin Clifton on 0121 353 6290 Tuesday Streetly Arts Workshop meets from 1 – 4pm at Blackwood Methodist Church Hall, Blackwood Road every week except bank holiday weeks. Contact Will Hooley on 0121 353 8208. Tuesday Streetly Art Society, Meet: every Tuesday 1.00pm - 4.00pm at the Methodist Church Hall, Blackwood Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield. The Group consists of members who meet to exchange tips and techniques on their work . The standard of work is mixed in ability and all are welcome. contact John & Pauline Mutton Tel 0121 353 3289 Tuesday West Midlands Barbershop Harmony Club meets at 7.30pm at Grove Vale School, Monksfield Avenue. Contact Don Melbourne on 0121 353 154 or log on to Anvil chorus website Tuesday Blackwood Youth Club meets at Blackwood Road, next door to the library from 7 – 9pm. Project bases work and IT facility. Contact Maggie Bowles on 0121 353 0005. Tuesday Streetly Youth Club meets at the Community Centre, Foley Road East. Offers Duke of Edinburgh awards, sports facilities, dance, netball and youth activities. Times vary. Contact Jenny Henny on 0121 353 8630. Tuesday SIMPLY PILATES with Diane Harrold Streetly Community centre, in the Sports Hall 6pm 7pm mixed ablities and again 7-8pm for intermed. Phone: 01922 454705 Tuesday Sport Karate Kickboxing and Self Defence. Beginners and advanced classes available for men, women, and children of all ages. Friendly and relaxed environment. Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East 5.00 and 7.00pm. Phone Darren 0786 628 4143 or Tracey on 0776 535 8174 Tuesdays Tamworth and Streetly Ju-Jutsu club meets at Streetly School. Contact Ray on 01827 63356 or 0781 698 6405. Tuesday North Birmingham Cyclists Touring Club meet in the Club House at Shenstone. Contact John Bedford on 0121 353 5136. Tuesday afternoon walk Joins us in the local area to take in some lovely scenery and refreshing gentle exercise. These walks are very informal, with a range of carefully selected routes to suit everybody. see more details and range of walks and start points on the Streetly Tuesday Afternoon Walks Page Tuesday Slimming World. 10.00am and 5.30 and 7.00pm at the Veseyans Sports and Social Club, Little Hardwick Road. Tel Tracy 0121 308 0463 1st Tuesday each month Streetly Horticultural Society meets at Streetly Community Centre Foley Road East, at 7.45 pm. All visitors are made welcome and the contact number is 0121 353 1437. 2nd & 4th Tuesday each month Blackwood Accappella Singers meet from 7.30 - 9.00pm at Blackwood Road Methodist Church, Streetly. new members very welcome to join for fun ! 2nd Tuesday of month regular meeting of Streetly Flower Arrangers Club at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East at 7.30pm. (Except January) 3rd Tuesday each month, regular meeting of Banners Gate Community Coffee Mornings 10.30am until 12.30 at Banners Gate Community Hall Reay Nadin Drive, Sutton Coldfield Come along for a Coffee, Cake, chat and a get together. We hold a free Raffle for regular members. We also have a bring and buy book stall. 3rd Tuesday each month regular meeting of The WI Womens Institute at 7.30pm at the Streetly Community Centre on Foley Road East. 3rd Tuesday of month Streetly Wood Ladies meet from 10.00am - 12.00noon at All Saints Church, Foley Road East.
Wednesday, magic of music with Rhythm Time.
Stimulating multi-sensory baby classes from birth. Exciting toddler classes from 14 months. mornings at All Saints Parish Church Foley Road east Streetly Sutton Coldfield West Mids B74 3JX
Wednesday s evening Yoga 7 - 8.30pm all welcome, fee pay as you go, suitable for Yoga beginners Wednesday morning health walks organised by Blackwood Health Centre starting off at 10.00am from Parson and Clerk car park on Chester Road at 10.00am. Distance two and a half to three miles. Duration approximately 100 minutes. Turn up on the day. Wednesdays, Arts and Crafts classes for 1 - 11 year olds throughout the year. Come along and join the fun at Aldridge Community Centre, WS9 8AN from 11.00 - 11.55am. For details call Sue on 0844 854 9089 or visit www.thecreationstation.co.uk Wednesdays, Zumba fitness class with Lyndsey Moore at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East from 6.00 - 7.00pm. For more details call Lyndsey on 07867 786 600 or visit www.zumba.com Wednesday Midlands Dance Academy classes are structured as 5 - 8 years at 5:00 till 6:00 and 9 - 11 years at 6:00 -7:00 and classes at Streetly School need to be booked. Contact Details: 07966376386 or Email address: midlandsdanceacademy@hotmail.co.uk Wednesday, Annabel Humpage School of Dance in the Sports Hall at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East. Seniors 6.00 - 8.00pm. Annual shows and examinations. Qualified teachers and CRB registered. Call 07971 221973 Wednesday Streetly Youth Club meets at the Sports Hall at the Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East. Duke of Edinburgh awards, sports facilities, dance, netball and youth activities. Times vary. Contact Jenny Henney on 353 8630. Wednesday Parents and Toddlers meet, term time only, at Streetly Library, Blackwood Road from 2.30 – 3.15pm. small fee per child including refreshments. Contact 01922 654864. Wednesday, Over Twenty Club meets at the Streetly Community Association, Foley Road East, from September through to end of May, from 8.00pm - 10.30pm. For further details contact Ken or Barbara on 0121 580 8102 or Alan Rowney 0121 353 4022 Wednesday 50+ Club, Streetly Sports Hall, Foley Road East. Ladies Badminton 9.00 - 10.00am. contact 0121 353 8630. Wednesdays Quiz Night featuring 'Open the Box'. 9.00pm at the Hardwick Arms. Wednesdays, loan of medical euipment from the Red Cross, Red Cross Hall, Blackwood Road located in between Blackwood Methodist Church and Blackwood School, between 6.00 - 7.00pm. Call 352 0692 or 353 1691. Wednesday Streetly Stage School at Blackwood Road Methodist Church, Streetly 5.00 - 7.30pm and 8.00 - 10.00pm Wednesday Erdington Operatic Society meet at Blackwood Road Methodist Church, Streetly from 8.00 - 10.00pm Wednesday evening swimming lessons for children at The Streetly School, Queslett Road East. 5.30pm and 6.00pm. Phone Val 0121 353 6616. Term time only. swimming lessons for children from the age of four by Janet and Val who have been teaching swimming for many years at schools. We pride ourselves in care of children. We look at the needs of each indiviual child and work accordingly. We cater for all abilities and work for distance and skills badge awards. Every child matters to us. More information about Streetly swimming classes here Wednesday Water Colour class at All Saints Church, Foley Road East from 2.00 - 4.00pm. Phone Dave on 0121 353 5338 or log on to Art class website Wednesday Life Art Class, 8.00 - 10.00pm at Park Hall Community Association. Phone Graham Benton, tutor, on 01922 720 866 or log onto parkhall website Wednesdays Yoga with Gill Nock at 7.30-9.00pm Increase your strength, flexibility and sense of well being. Improve your body, mind and senses. St Annes RC Primary School Blackwood Road Streetly. All levels welcome. Hatha Yoga consists of asana (postures), pranayama (breath control), meditation and relaxation. Please bring a non-slip-mat and wear loose comfortable clothing Enquiries: Jill Nock (BWY Dip.) on 0121 353 1153 Wednesday Body Control Pilates 9.15am - 10.15am at Streetly Sports Centre, Foley Road East. Call Jo on 07522 394869. Wednesday SIMPLY PILATES with Diane Harrold Blackwood Rd methodist Hall 9.30-10.30am mixed abillities clas. Phone Diane: 01922 454705. Pilates is a slow form of exercise, done both standing and lying down, which can help with back problems, posture and balance.
Wednesday 8.30 - 9.30 pm. TAI CHI at Little Aston Centre, Little Aston Lane
Sutton Coldfield, B74 3UF (A-Z Ref 42 7B)
Wednesday Morning Tai Chi at Streetly Sports Hall, Foley Road East from 10 - 12 Contact Steve on 078459 81677. Wednesday Afternoon Tai Chi from 1.15 - 2.45pm. at Aldridge Community Centre, Anchor Meadow, Aldridge Contact Steve on 078459 816 677. Wednesday Streetly Solitaire Club meets at Veseyans Sports and Social Club, Little Hardwick Road at 8.00pm. It is open to single adults of all ages and status, however most members are around 50 but are very happy to welcome everyone. Members can chat over a drink then take part in a game or quiz in a relaxed environment, and can also join in regular days out, theatre trips, holidays, walks and meals out. Contact Pat Tanner on 0121 748 2992 1st Wednesday of the Month, New adult reading group starting at Streetly Library. 11am to 12noon. Free to join, Come along or Tel: 01922 654864 for information. 1st Wednesday of the Month, Homemaker Special for ladies at Streetly Evangelical Church, Egerton Road, 8.00pm. Not held during August. Includes talks and demonstrations on different topics, singers and refreshments. Tel. 0121 353 8537. 1st Wednesday of each month, Age Concern Walsall, Advocacy Service, holds a surgery at the Walsall Centre for Independent Living to help residents aged 18 or more with physical, sensory impairment or a mental health issues gain access to information and services, write letters, or attend meetings plus a range of other assistance. To get more information or to talk in confidence to a trained advocate, call Kerry on 01922 638835 or Roy on 01922 650790.
2nd Wednesday Every Month, Come and join Sutton Coldfield Decorative and Fine Arts Society 2nd Wednesday Every Month, Streetly Poetry Group monthly meeting at Streetly Library at 10.30am 11.30am. Please telephone Streetly Library for more details. 01922 654864. 2nd Wednesday of month, regular coffee morning at St. Annes Church on Bridle Lane. from 10 - 12. Everyone is welcome regardless of religious denomination. Come and have a chat and find out what is going on in your neighbourhood. 3rd Wednesday, Streetly Disabled and Senior Citizens Association evening meeting at All Saints Church Hall, Foley Road East from 7.30 - 9.00pm. 3rd Wednesday Friends of Blackwood Park meet at 7.30pm. Ring 0121 353 8116 for details of meeting place or see notices in Blackwood Road shops. 4th Wednesday of the month the Lynn & Stonnall Conservation & Historical Society meet at 7.30 p.m. in the wooden Youth and Community Centre in Main Street, Stonnall, Walsall, Staffordshire, WS9 9DX, next door to st Peters, the village school. Contact name: Mr Peter Terry Tel: 01543 372410
Thursdays 1.30-2.10pm, First Kicks specialises in sports teaching instruction for children up to the age of 4. It's a fun and exciting based programme giving children a kick start in their early years.
We have designed the programme specificall to deliver age appropriate activities to foster and maximise children's development. We engage children in our stimulating yet challenging sessions enabling them to learn and achieve invaluable skills through play and enjoyment.
Thursdays 10am at Streetly Scout Hut The creation Station Thursday Term Time Only. Mothers and Toddlers at Streetly Evangelical Church, Egerton Road, 2.15pm. Tel. 07816 358 673 or e-mail streetlyec@btinternet.com Thursday Term Time Only. Xplorers’ Club at Streetly Evangelical Church, Egerton Road, 6.30pm- 7.30pm for children from reception to Year 6. All leaders are CRB checked. There are all sorts of activities- songs, crafts, stories, games, quizzes and much more. Tel. 0121 353 0867 or e-mail streetlyec@btinternet.com Thursdays, 9.30 - 11.00am (term time only) 'Tiddlers to Toddlers' at Parkside Pre-school Playgroup, held in the youth club building at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East. The session offers fun activities and refreshments in a safe and relaxed environment. There is an outdoor play area, and parking and disabled access. For more details call Nicky on 07890 455 709. Thursdays preschool coaching session, play programme provided by fun, enthusiastic coaches. Ages 1-5. Designed especially to enhance children's ballskills, co-ordination, balance and agility. Giving them the chance to boost their social interaction. 1.30pm at Great Barr leisure centre contact Olivia West 0785 0125333 or Gemma 0790 6080982 Email Enquiries are very welcome Thursdays Breakdancing 6pm Mere Green St.james church contact Olivia West 0785 0125333 or Gemma 0790 6080982 Email Enquiries are very welcome Thursday nights, The Tudor Musical Comedy Society meet at 7.30pm at the Streetly Community Centre, in Foley Road East. For more information on the show contact Nigel Gaunt on 07944 776831 or 0121 354 3498 Thursday Belly Dance Class at Streetly Methodist Church, corner Thornhill and Hardwick Roads, at 8.15pm. Excellent way to trim waists, reduce bums and tums, gain core strength and flexibility, and have fun. Contact Ruth on 07949 696574 or visit Ruth's Belly Dancing website Thursday Streetly Stage School at Blackwood Road Methodist Church, Streetly. 5.30 - 7.00pm and 7.30 - 8.30pm. Thursday afternoon Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Club, Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East. 1pm - 2.30pm. Each class is 90 minutes and includes a weigh-in, a motivational and informative talk as well as a 45 minute safe, fun and effective exercise to music session – making it the only club that combine both diet and exercise in the same class. For more details call Claire on 0121 313 0102 or Email Claire more info on: Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Club website Thursday evening Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Club, Blackwood School, Blackwood Road Streetly from 6pm - 7.30pm. The class is 90 minutes and includes a weigh-in, a motivational and informative talk as well as a 45 minute safe, fun and effective exercise to music session – making it the only club that combine both diet and exercise in the same class.For more details call Claire on 0121 313 0102 or email Claire Thursdays Extend gentle exercise class for anyone aged 60 plus or younger people suffering from a health condition. Veseyans Rugby Club, Little Hardwick Road from 1.30pm - 3.00pm. tea/coffee and biscuits. Tel. Pat on 0121 748 2992 Thursday Body Control Pilates 11.00am - 12.00pm at Streetly Sports Centre, Foley Road East. Call Jo 07522 394869. Thursday Walsall Walk On Health Walk. Meet at Aldridge Manor House, off Little Aston Road. 10.15am for a 10.30 am start. Duration 2 hours. 5 - 8 km (3 5 miles). Moderate intensity walk with stiles, gradients, and hard and soft surfaces. Walk lead by trained leaders and free of charge. Thursday Tai Chi & Chi-kung class 10.30am Beginners - Banners Gate Community Church, Westwood Street, Sutton Coldfield B73 6UH. see Kaiming website Thursday evenings Tamworth & Streetly Ju Jutsu club, at Mere Green Community Centre Contact Ray Owen Mobile - 07816 986405 Home 01827 63357 or Email Ray Thursday Taekwondo club at Streetly School (Every Thursday) Kids Class 6.00 - 6.45pm and Beginners class 7.00 - 8.00pm very competitive rates, with family discounts available, please call Instructor - Rob Bayliss (4th Dan) for further information, Phone no. 07866-869157. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere, all ages and abilities are most welcome to come along to any Thursday class. Thursday Aerobics Class for beginners and intermediates held at Streetly Sports Centre, Foley Road East from 8.15 – 9.15pm. Bring a towel, a mat and a drink. Contact Lisa on 07854 687492. Thursday Streetly Mens ACC Keep Fit Club meets at 8pm at Blackwood Methodist Church Hall, Blackwood Road. Thursday Blackwood Youth Club meets next to the library on Blackwood Road from 7 – 9pm. Project based work and IT facility. Contact Maggie Bowles on 353 0005. Thursday Streetly Youth Club meets at the Sports Hall, Foley Road East. Times vary. Contact Jenny Henney on 353 8630. 1st Thursday Streetly Ladies Club meeting ( see Streetly Ladies Club page ) at All Saints Church Hall, Foley Road East at 2.30pm. Contact 0121 353 3527 1st Thursday Walsall Consumer Group for Blind and Partilly Sighted People meets from 7.00 - 9.00pm at Walsall Disability Centre, 114 Lichfield Street, Walsall. 2nd Thursday Walsall Writers Circle meets at Park Hall Community Centre, Park Hall Road. WS5 3HF. Phone Alison Reed 01922 458595. Email Enquiries welcome or log on to Walsall Writers Circle website 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, September to May only, Sutton Coldfield Movie Makers meet at Wylde Green Community Hall, Emscote Drive, B73 5NE at 7.45 for 8.00pm. Email Trevor Mall or log on to Sutton coldfield Movie makers website
FridayFriday Mornings, Streetly Library Cradle Club for babies 0- 2 years old. From 10.00am - 11.30am. Tel 01922 654864 Friday Mornings Rainbow Rhyme sessions 11:00am-12:00pm PUBLIC SESSIONS at Parkside Preschool Playgroup, Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East, Streetly, B74 3HR you will need to reserve a place by either contacting us on 07917 607008 or Jackie Sedgewick on 01922 457186. Fridays Judo and Jujitsu class for adults at Streetly Youth and Sports Centre, Foley Road East, B74 3HR from 7.30 - 9.30pm. Call 07817 666 964 or visit www.birminghamjudo.com Friday evenings Half Circle Singers rehearse at Streetly Methodist Church from 8-10pm. We are always looking for new recruits in all parts. No audition required ! We are a long-standing small chamber choir needing to replace some retired members. We sing a varied repertoire of church music and secular works, from madrigals to twentieth century music. We have two to three main concerts a year, including a carol concert, plus occasional church services and after-dinner engagements by invitation. For more details please contact our secretary, Michael on 01543 480527 or Email Michael Friday Lisayne Ballet School at Streetly Methodist Church junction of Thornhill and Hardwick Roads, Streetly. Contact Lisa on 0121 353 7321 Fridays, loan facility of living aids and medical equipment from the Red Cross, Red Cross Hall located in between Blackwood Methodist Church and Blackwood School, Blackwood Road, Streetly between 2.00 - 3.00pm. Call 352 0692 or 353 1691. Friday swimming lessons for children from the age of four at Cardinal Wiseman School, Kingstanding. Janet and Val have been teaching swimming for many years at these schools. We pride ourselves in care of children. We look at the needs of each indiviual child and work accordingly. We cater for all abilities and work for distance and skills badge awards. Every child matters to us. lessons from 5.00pm, 5.30pm,and 6.00pm. Phone Val 0121 353 6616. Term time only. More information about Streetly swimming classes here Friday 50+ Club at the Streetly Sports Hall, Foley Road East. Compact Tennis 9.00 - 11.00am. Contact 0121 353 8630. Friday Line Dancing Social night with a little tuition 7.pm - 10.30pm. at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East, J P LINEDANCING. Pat Harris 0121 308 5192 Email Enquiries welcome Friday Yoga for all abilities. 1.30 - 3.30p.m. Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East. Tel. 0121 353 8630. Friday Birchfield Cycling Club. Evening meeting 9 to 10pm at All Saints Church. Foley rd East. Call Colin on 0121 358 6768 Friday Water Colour Classes for Beginners. from 2.00 - 4.00pm at All Saints Church Hall, Foley Road East. Come and Join two hours of relaxation in a nice friendly atmosphere. Learn different water colour techniques, make new friends. Ring Dave on 0121 353 5338.
Saturdays 8.45-9.25am, First Kicks specialises in sports teaching instruction for children up to the age of 4. It's a fun and exciting based programme giving children a kick start in their early years.
We have designed the programme specifically to deliver age appropriate activities to foster and maximise children's development. We engage children in our stimulating yet challenging sessions enabling them to learn and achieve invaluable skills through play and enjoyment. Saturdays Kombat Kids, karate class at Streetly Comunity Centre, Foley Road East from 10 - 11am. Parents are welcome to watch all classes. All instuctors CRB checked, minimum level 3 coach, first aid qualified. Affiliated to the English Karate Federation. Call Selina on 01543 473 408 or 07730 899 722, email info@kombatkids.com or visit kombatkids.com. Saturday, Annabel Humpage School of Dance in the Sports Hall at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East. Primary 9 - 11.am, Juniors and Inters 1 - 11.00am - 1.30pm Inters 2 - 1.30 - 3.30pm. Annual shows and examinations. Qualified teachers and CRB registered. Call 07971 221973 Saturdays, Dance in Beats, Dance Club meets in the dance studio at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East. Learn a variety of dance styles including musicals, disco, jazz, contemporary. Five to nine year olds meet between 2.00 - 3.00pm and ten to fourteen year olds meet between 1.00 - 2.00pm. Saturdays pre school coaching session, play programme provided by fun, enthusiastic coaches. Ages 1-5. Designed especially to enhance children's ballskills, co-ordination, balance and agility. Giving them the chance to boost their social interaction. 10am and 11am at Streetly Community Centre contact Olivia West 0785 0125333 or Gemma 0790 6080982 Email Enquiries are very welcome Saturday Lisayne Ballet School at Streetly Methodist Church junction of Thornhill and Hardwick Roads, Streetly. Contact Lisa on 0121 353 7321. Saturday 'Learn to Swim' from 10.00am at Streetly School. Call 0121 311 0889 Monday - Friday after 6.00pm or all weekend. Saturday Life Art Class from 10.00am - 12.00pm at Park Hall Community Association. Phone Graham Benton, tutor, on 01922 720 866 or parkhall website Saturday morning North Birmingham Cyclists Touring Club introductory rides for beginners and returners to cycling. Contact John Bedford on 353 5136 or log on to North Birmingham CTC website Saturday a chance to talk to one of your local councillors between 11 – 12pm at Streetly Library, Blackwood Road.
Zig Zag Dancing PRACTICE SESSIONS SATURDAYS (fortnightly) 1st Saturday each month Walsall Adult Writers Group meets at Walsall Central Library from 1.45 - 3.45pm. Join writers of all abilities and interests and develop your writing skills. 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month Institute of Ramblers walks. Distance between 5 - 10 miles and within an hours drive of Birmingham. Keep fit, make friends and enjoy the countryside. Subscription required. Call 0121 453 9583 or visit Institute of Ramblers website
SundaySundays ready steady soccer (kids football) for 2-5 year olds at Streetly Community Centre on at 11.00am. Contact is Olivia West on 07850 125333 Sunday Morning Communion Service at Streetly Evangelical Church, Egerton Road, 11.00am. Tel. Chris Miles on 07816 358 673 or e-mail streetlyec@btinternet.com Sunday Evening Family Service at Streetly Evangelical Church, Egerton Road, 6.30pm, followed by refreshments. Tel. Chris Miles on 07816 358 673 or e-mail streetlyec@btinternet.com
Sundays Judo and Jujitsu classes for adults and children at Streetly Youth and Sports Centre, Foley Road East, B74 3HR.
Sunday, ABSOLUTE TAE KWON-DO Sunday mornings, North Birmingham Cyclists' Touring Club will be holding Sunday morning family bike rides. The routes will all be off road on local trails and canal towpaths. Rides start at 10.00am and will be no more than 10 miles. They also organise 14 other rides a week, catering for a wide range of cycling abilities. Contact club Chairman John Bedford on 0121 353 5136 to get the meeting point and join mailing list for updates. email: parkcycles@yahoo.co.uk
Sunday Birchfield Cycling Club in Streetly
We meet at the Hardwick Pub on the Chester rd at 9.00am on most Sundays, but a phone call is advisable to Colin 0121 358 6768 or 07814416118. Our Sunday morning cycle ride is usually 50 miles to a number of cycle friendly cafe's and maybe a refreshing pint of bitter on the way back, we can cater for all ages starting from 14, however, 5o miles is a lot for younger children but we can do shorter rides for any youngster who seems very keen ! Further details available from Colin Willetts via email:
Sunday Dance Classes ( Zig Zag ) at Streetly Youth Centre, Foley Road East. Streetly, B74 3HR
(behind Community Centre) Sunday night quiz. 7.00pm weekly at the Hardwick Arms Pub
Sunday afternoons, Woodlands Adventure in Streetly, Aldridge, walsall for your Birthday Party, special occasion, or just good fun !
.... Swinging from ropes,Climbing tyres, wood and ropes, balance beams, Stepping stones,
Parallel bars AND THE ZIP LINE Minimum group of 12. Woodlands Adventure, formerly known as “Woodlands Camp” is situated in 36 acres of Green belt which includes a lake and 17 acres of protected woodland at Bourne Vale, Aldridge, Walsall, West Midlands.
Modern & extremely well equipped facilities include a main recreational building with a large hall, dining and kitchen areas, showers and toilets with facilities for the disabled and accommodation for 4 group leaders. In addition there is a dormitory block with accommodation for 56 people and another 4 group leaders. There is also a separate sports hall. A camping field with its own amenities that will accommodate up to 30 people under canvas is located on a separate area of the site. Separate toilet / shower block for day visitors. Full facilities for the disabled. visit Woodlands Adventure website
*** Free publicity here for regular or single date events, meetings, Clubs and Groups, get full details by subscribing to the free newsletter which will explain how to get your details published free on this website ! **** More local clubs can be found on www2.walsall.gov.uk/organisations
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